Finance Blog


Thursday, March 31, 2005

Sell and Don't Look Back [ Commentary] March 30, 2005

Sell and Don't Look Back [ Commentary] March 30, 2005: "Fisher concluded that there are only three good reasons for selling a stock:
When it becomes clear that the original rationale for purchasing was flawed.
When a company no longer qualifies as a top performer.
When there is a better place to put your money. "

The Globe and Mail: Value lurking in companies off the coverage radar

The Globe and Mail: Value lurking in companies off the coverage radar: "When renowned investor Peter Lynch was managing billions of dollars for Fidelity, he had a list of things he looked for in a company. One was that it did something disgusting or ridiculous. Another was that it was virtually ignored by brokerage firm analysts. "

Yahoo! News - IBM Sees Cell Chip for Industry, Not Just Gamers

Yahoo! News - IBM Sees Cell Chip for Industry, Not Just Gamers

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Yahoo! News - John Waggoner:Investing - Rising rates aid income investors

Yahoo! News - John Waggoner:Investing - Rising rates aid income investors: "CD rates tend to rise more slowly than loan rates. But the trend in CD rates is up. The average one-year CD now yields 3.1%, up 1.1% from a year ago. David Wyss, senior U.S. economist at Standard & Poor's, thinks the Fed will boost rates to about 2 percentage points above the core inflation rate, currently 2.4%. That would put fed funds between 4% and 4.5% by the end of the year, Wyss says"

Yahoo! News - Inflation, Jobs Top Stocks' Concerns

Yahoo! News - Inflation, Jobs Top Stocks' Concerns

Wednesday, March 23, 2005 Bloomberg Columnists Bloomberg Columnists: "I often get e-mails or letters like that. Here are 15 excellent sources of stock-market information -- five of my favorite investment books, five first-rate Web sites, and five worthwhile periodicals. "

Saturday, March 19, 2005

Why commodities make sense now |

Why commodities make sense now | "Commodities do tend to outperform stocks from time to time,' Dr. Morrison adds. 'I think we're in one of those periods now. It started a few years ago, but I think it's going to last quite a bit longer.'"

Business Day - News Worth Knowing

Business Day - News Worth Knowing: "JIM ROGERS: I am still bullish. The bull market is going to last another 10 or 15 years! The average bull market in commodities has lasted 18 years. Yes, prices are higher than they were before - but if you look at inflation adjustments, for instance, oil should be over $100 a barrel. " Hot Hand Fund��� Hot Hand Fund���

How not to lose money in the stock market

How not to lose money in the stock market: "How not to lose money in the stock market"

Survival is the name of the game!

Survival is the name of the game!: "Q: How can investors avoid being shocked, or at least reduce the risk of overreacting to a surprise?

A: Understanding that we do not know the future is such a simple statement, but it's so important. Investors do better where risk management is a conscious part of the process. Maximizing return is a strategy that makes sense only in very specific circumstances. In general, survival is the only road to riches. Let me say that again: Survival is the only road to riches. You should try to maximize return only if losses would not threaten your survival and if you have a compelling future need for the extra gains you might earn.
The riskiest moment is when you're right. That's when you're in the most trouble, because you tend to overstay the good decisions. So, in many ways, it's better not to be so right. That's what diversification is for. It's an explicit recognition of ignorance. And I view diversification not only as a survival strategy but as an aggressive strategy, because the next windfall might come from a surprising place. I want to make sure I'm exposed to it. Somebody once said that if you're comfortable with everything you own, you're not diversified. I think you should have a small allocation to gold, to foreign currency, to TIPS [Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities].
Can you manage yourself in a bubble, and can you manage yourself on the other side? It's very easy to say yes when you haven't been there. But it's very hot in that oven. And can you save your ego, as well as your wealth? I think I might have just said something important. Your wealth is like your children -- the primary link between your present and the future. You should try to think about it in the same way. You want your children to have freedom but you also want them to be good"

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Yahoo! News - Philips Finds New Material for Future Memory Chips

Yahoo! News - Philips Finds New Material for Future Memory Chips: "Low production costs and fast switching times of the new material may deliver a single memory chip architecture. 'The holy grail of the embedded memory industry, a so-called unified memory that replaces all other types, combines the speed of SRAM with the memory density of DRAM and the non-volatility of Flash,' said Karen Attenborough, project leader of the Scalable Unified Memory project at Philips Research. "

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Yahoo! News - Retail Sales Rise, Capital Inflows Surge

Yahoo! News - Retail Sales Rise, Capital Inflows Surge

Monday, March 14, 2005

Yahoo! News - Study: Thinning herd from bottom helps

Yahoo! News - Study: Thinning herd from bottom helps: "New research suggests the common but quiet practice of culling the bottom 5% or 10% of workers improves company performance."

Yahoo! News - IBM Buys Ascential Software for $1.1 Bln

Yahoo! News - IBM Buys Ascential Software for $1.1 Bln: "'Customers are spending up 40 percent of IT (information technology) budgets trying to integrate applications and information,' Janet Perna, general manager of IBM's information management software division, said in an interview. 'With this acquisition, we are really addressing one of the major growth areas, which is one of the gaps in our technology.' "

Sunday, March 13, 2005

The Globe and Mail: Finance: Your bottom line

The Globe and Mail: Finance: Your bottom line: "A side benefit for both investors and financial services companies is that they no longer have to go to the trouble of monitoring foreign content levels in individual accounts to avoid the penalties that applied for going over the 30-per-cent limit."

Friday, March 11, 2005

Chicago Tribune | Merger mania adds twist to stock-picking

Chicago Tribune | Merger mania adds twist to stock-picking: "His rule of thumb is that the top three companies in an industry are acquirers, while the next three down are often those acquired." - Retired and mortgage free at 34 - Retired and mortgage free at 34: "'I don't care at all about the ups and down of the market,' he said. 'By age 56, my income is going to be similar to a retired teacher but it is going to be tax advantaged. I think that is key for the average person.'" Nest Egg Nibbling Nest Egg Nibbling: "With Social Security and retirement planning high on the President's and the public's agendas, I figure I should weigh in as well. A few years ago, Peter Lynch rocked the retirement world when he suggested that retirees could safely draw off 7% of their assets without worrying about running out of money. He was corrected from numerous parties, and 4% is now the most commonly used replacement number. " "'The historical experience from the 20th century suggests that stock values grow at nearly 7% real (assuming that dividends and inflation offset each other),' writes Au. 'At this rate, they would double every 10 years, go up four times every 20 years, and 8 times every 30 years. Knowing this fact, and hypothesizing that previous peaks will not be regained for almost 30 years, one can divide the previous peak by 8 to arrive at a discounted interim value for the Dow, in much the same way as one could do with a zero-coupon bond.'
'Rounding the year 2000 peak upward to 12,000 and dividing by 8 gives 1,500 as an indication of how low the Dow could go past the year 2000. This figure is roughly one half of the 3,000 'investment value' [calculated in 2000], a relationship that approximates to the previous market bottoms in 1932 and 1974. The Dow may trough at a somewhat higher number, but mainly because of adjustments for inflation.'"

Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Yahoo! News - Economy Expanding with Little Inflation

Yahoo! News - Economy Expanding with Little Inflation: "The Fed is widely expected to increase overnight borrowing costs by a quarter-percentage point at that meeting and continue to push them higher through the spring and summer"

Yahoo! News - Dollar Suffers Heavy Selling

Yahoo! News - Dollar Suffers Heavy Selling: "Two days ahead of U.S. trade data, concerns about the U.S. current account deficit and the willingness of foreigners to continue funding it are adding to the dollar's woes. "

Sunday, March 06, 2005

'Privatizing Social Security Is Risky Without Teaching Americans Financial Literacy,' States Robert Kiyosaki

'Privatizing Social Security Is Risky Without Teaching Americans Financial Literacy,' States Robert Kiyosaki: "The number of baby boomers coming of age peaks in 2014 when, according to
the Employee Benefit Research Institute, payroll tax will be insufficient to
cover full benefits. The Institute goes on to say that the trust funds will
be depleted and completely unable to pay benefits by 2034."

New Product:Reducol in EU

: "Reducol, which won EU approval for use in milk-based products last year, will be used in a variety of food groups including soy drinks, margarine, low-fat cheese type products, spicy sauces and salad dressings."

EE Times -NSA specifies elliptic-curve crypto for security applications

EE Times -NSA specifies elliptic-curve crypto for security applications: "The spy agency's support of ECC protocols represents an interesting turn in NSA's continued analysis of private- and public-key crypto systems. Previously, NSA had opposed wide industry use of public-key crypto. The agency influenced the design of the original private-key Data Encryption Standard, and tried to push companies toward use of the agency-developed Clipper/Capstone crypto-chip program. "

Yahoo! News - Gas prices might increase 24 cents

Yahoo! News - Gas prices might increase 24 cents: "Gasoline prices could rocket 24 cents a gallon the next few days, as stations across the USA scramble to keep up with big jumps in the prices of oil and wholesale gas, a veteran energy-price analyst forecast Thursday. "

Yahoo! News - More U.S. Companies Drop Out, Clam Up

Yahoo! News - More U.S. Companies Drop Out, Clam Up: "SILENCE IS GOLDEN

Meanwhile, companies staying in the market are responding to new regulation by saying less.
A recent Greenwich Associates study found fewer companies are providing detailed financial outlook for fear of offending regulators. "

Friday, March 04, 2005

BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | China premier outlines year ahead

BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | China premier outlines year ahead: "Parliament is expected to approve a 12% increase in its military spending, which will take official military spending to 247.7bn yuan ($29.9bn). "

Yahoo! News - John Waggoner:Investing - REIT hot, right now - but for how long?

Yahoo! News - John Waggoner:Investing - REIT hot, right now - but for how long?: "Yields. REITs offer juicy dividend yields when compared with most other stocks. But five years ago, the average REIT yielded 8.48%, vs. 5.13% now. As the Federal Reserve (news - web sites) raises rates - and it has done everything but put up billboards saying it will do so - REIT yields become less appealing."

Thursday, March 03, 2005 Bloomberg Columnists Bloomberg Columnists: "Think back to the initial point that Benjamin Graham made about buying stocks like groceries. If tuna fish is on sale, you might buy a few extra cans. But when stocks are ``on sale,'' fear is so pervasive that few people will take advantage of the opportunity. "

Jack Hurst profile: The soul of an investor - Feb. 25, 2005

Jack Hurst profile: The soul of an investor - Feb. 25, 2005: "Most of us manage our money the way St. Augustine prayed before he was fully ready to give up the pleasures of the flesh: 'Make me virtuous, O Lord -- but not yet.' "

Gates Joins a Dream Team Fund

Gates Joins a Dream Team Fund

Investment & Pensions Europe -

Investment & Pensions Europe -"Commodities now the only ‘pure bull market’"

Yahoo! News - Greenspan Touts Idea of a Consumption Tax

Yahoo! News - Greenspan Touts Idea of a Consumption Tax

Yahoo! News - Greenspan: Go slowly, but fix Social Security

Yahoo! News - Greenspan: Go slowly, but fix Social Security: "Greenspan said Congress could improve Social Security's finances by reducing benefits or raising the retirement age. But in the end, he said, that would not solve the demographic problem of lower birth rates and higher life expectancy, which means too few workers paying taxes for each retiree.
'The one certainty is that the resolution of the nation's unprecedented demographic challenge will require hard choices and that the future performance "